Your real estate partnership may be closer than you think. Maybe it’s that seller you’re talking to on craigslist, maybe it’s your home appraiser, or maybe it’s someone you meet at a sketchy real estate investing company. Mike Nuss and Tyler Combs never planned on becoming partners when they linked up to discuss a potential sale of a property. But, when fate put the two together again in the same company, they decided to split off and use their complementary skill sets to build a real estate empire.
Mike brought the acquisitions and property management side to their business, while Tyler focused on managing and selling flips. Together they brought the rocket fuel of profit and cash flow to their growing business. Now, they’ve acquired more than eighty units and aren’t planning on stopping any time soon.
Mike and Tyler built their business on the back of strong investor relationships, truthful and honest work, and the ability to find seller finance deals. With the combo of creative financing, marketing, and hard work, they’ve become real estate leaders in their area with an expanding portfolio, team, and strategy.