BiggerPockets Podcast 470: The 7 Tips @investorgirlbritt Used to Go from Amateur to Pro Investor

There has been a great feud between Brittany Arnason and Host of the BiggerPockets Podcast, Brandon Turner. Both of them have done lots of renovations on houses, secured millions in funding, and live right next to the beach in Maui, but only one of them has won a “quickest person to get to 200,000 followers on Instagram” battle. We’re happy to have the winner on our show as a guest today!

Brittany started out her real estate journey when she was 18 years old, buying her first rental property and tackling a multitude of different DIY projects. If you haven’t heard her story, you can check it out on episode 320. Now she’s back to talk about how she moved to Maui, hired out her employees, secured funding on commercial deals, and used social media to get her deals and connections.

Her biggest advice to new investors, “jump in before you’re ready”. You won’t ever have all the answers, but those who get started will finish far ahead of those who always dream about being an investor. You can also help ease the stress and unforeseen speed bumps by getting in groups with other investors, following those you look up to on social media, and becoming a resource for future mentors.