Register for Defending Professional Standards Decisions in Court Webinar

Member challenges to REALTOR® associations’ Professional Standards decisions were the second most-filed claim on the NAR insurance policy in 2021. Find out what’s behind this trend, and how associations and their legal counsel can respond when an ethics or arbitration decision ends up in court. Register now for this March 24th webinar.

terpreter Case Remanded

Arizona federal court rules that a REALTOR® association did not discriminate against deaf individual when it refused to honor his demand for a sign language interpreter at an association education session.

Employment Law: COVID and Beyond

Get updates on the OSHA emergency rule and practical guidance on creating a workplace vaccination policy, addressing requests for exemptions, and answers to frequently asked questions from “The Great Resignation” to remote work. 

Medical Mandate

Before enacting a vaccine mandate, associations must be prepared to enforce the policy & handle employee requests for an exception to the policy.

Copyright: Best Practices to Avoid Costly Claims

Think twice before posting that photo to your website or playing that song during a webinar. Copyright infringement demands can get very expensive, very quickly. Find out how to protect your association from copyright claims, what you’ll need to defend an infringement claim should one occur, and lessons learned from a closed copyright claim.