Everyone knows that financial education is one of the most crucial things to teach children at a young age. It doesn’t just set them up to be wealthy, but it gives them the tools to be confident, choose delayed gratification, and hopefully, impact another young person’s life one day. This is understood wholeheartedly by Rashad Bilal and Troy Millings, former financial advisor and school teacher.
What had started as a small classroom experiment in teaching children financial literacy turned into a media empire. Rashad and Troy shared their class teachings online, which pushed them to create a course for the kids, and later into the Earn Your Leisure podcast, where they talk about everything ranging from high-value financial concepts to sports to entertainment and more.
What keeps Rashad and Troy going is knowing that their work is allowing thousands of people to improve their life situations, whether children or adults. The duo not only talks extensively about the difference between financial assets and liabilities but about relationship assets and liabilities. This helps answer the question: who’s helping bring you up and who’s trying to keep you down?